
Friday, January 2, 2009

One Week Away!

I am so excited! Next week I finally get to make a cake for a surprise party that has been in the making for what seems like forever. I designed this cake as soon as I was asked to and I have been so excited about it. I can't believe it is finally here! I have done some test runs on pieces of the cake but I can not wait to see the finished product.
Next weekend is going to be super busy. I have the suprise party on Friday, cake is due at 6 pm. The Saturday morning at 11 am I am hosting and doing a rather large cake for my sister-in-law's wedding shower. I'm trying to prepare so much as possible in advance, but I want everything to be fresh at the same time so we'll see how it goes.
I am also excited to announce two cake competitions that I am entered in. I will be attending the Austin, Texas show Feb. 28th and March 1st. I'm really excited about that show mostly because on the 28th I will be attending a Dinner Gala that Bronwen Weber will be doing a demonstration at. She is amazing and just being in her presence will be wonderful! I will also be in the McKinney, Texas cake competition April 25th and 26th. I am super excited and I have already begun working on some designed. Because of the drive I will only be entering one cake in the Austin show, but I will be entering 2 cakes in the McKinney show.
Lots of exciting things happening and it's only the 2nd day of the year!!